From the beginning FYi was created with intention. Vertical development and prototyping provide a feedback loop to re-inform design intent.
We’re simultaneously creating a user experience, a design language, and an order of operations for construction at the factory. Aligning every aspect into a singular design intent.
We have assembled an eclectic group of talented designers, engineers, patternmakers, machinists, and craftspeople, that share a common passion of striving to create.
With decades of experience spanning multiple industries from Outdoor Equipment to Consumer Electronics, to Mobility, we combine a cultured point of view with an intricate mix of technologies and capabilities.
For FYi, ideation is just the beginning. We move into the development process at the point that most firms are done.
By fabricating everything we design, we’re constantly learning about material behavior and construction processes. With that insight, we build the tools that drive innovation.
With both breadth and depth of knowledge and capability, we have invested heavily in the tools and equipment to create one of the most capable design and fabrication shops in the world.